Friday, February 1, 2008

I decided some time ago that Xanga was wearing incredibly thin, and now it seems to have become the trend to abandon it. So, I have decided to indulge my sheepish tenancies and begin a 'fresh' blogging experiment here.

I generally feel that I have very little to say in a setting like this, but I find reading other people's blogs interesting (well, some other people's). So, we'll see how it goes. Perhaps inspiration will strike in the many hours that I must sit in front of a computer looking busy at work.

1 comment:

tbonecats said...

I know the feat of looking busy at work. Most days that aren't this month find me doing that for part of the workday. Thus began my blogger experience as well, though few know about that blog, as I still keep up with my Xanga since some people still read it.

Btw - linked over here from Chris's blogger since I figured this was the Ben who was at Sun night this past Sun. And I would be the Christine who was also there on Sun.